Okay, I see one area where I am a "Fat Eddy." I've worked as sole, or sometimes one of two, IT of small, usually tech companies since getting out of the USAF in the mid 80's. I've done everything you talk about here, with earlier tools, including the training, websites (made ALL the aesthetic mistakes, from too many fonts to blinking crap), databases, both flatfile and relational. Jill of all trades, even server admin. All completely out of date now, of course. So I have, or had, "street smarts" on that stuff, once upon a time.

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¡Si es Goya, tiene que ser buen!

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D'accord, mais pourquoi vousette ecrir en espagnole? Il est Francais, non?

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C'est le slogan publicitaire d'une entreprise américaine qui vend des aliments du monde hispanophone.

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