My wife’s uncle was a big time Division I basketball coach. He had a rule that if you were late for the bus taking the team to a game you’d have to wait an equivalent number of minutes before you could get into the game, even if you were a starter and even if you had a valid excuse like the elevator breaking down while you were coming down from the 20th floor. The rule was tied to his overarching position on the necessity of team members being responsible to each other. Being on time was basically the only thing he asked that was entirely in your control. he was willing to lose (and actually did) lose a game to highlight the importance of accountability to teammates
The only exception I know of was when some players stopped to help an injured person before help arrived and thus delayed departure for the arena.
Right on.
My wife’s uncle was a big time Division I basketball coach. He had a rule that if you were late for the bus taking the team to a game you’d have to wait an equivalent number of minutes before you could get into the game, even if you were a starter and even if you had a valid excuse like the elevator breaking down while you were coming down from the 20th floor. The rule was tied to his overarching position on the necessity of team members being responsible to each other. Being on time was basically the only thing he asked that was entirely in your control. he was willing to lose (and actually did) lose a game to highlight the importance of accountability to teammates
The only exception I know of was when some players stopped to help an injured person before help arrived and thus delayed departure for the arena.
Excuses are no better than lies. Both are fictional, intended to deceive and put out as cover to that which is real.
Embrace truth. Embrace reality.
Not being like Travolta is always sound advice